Because of the long days on the rivers during the regattas, a Crew Team/Family Food Tent was established. This seems to be a tradition at these events as team tents dot the river banks and rowing families congregate and socialize around the food areas.
A modest charge of $200.00 is charged each OCHS rowing family and $350.00 for families with multiple rowers. We ask all rowers to pay this fee. In return, the Crew Boosters provides breakfast and lunch, drinks, water bottles, coffee, tea, hot foods of all kinds and shade!
The crew team maintains two trailers loaded with tents, tables, grills, water jugs, cooking utensils, propane tanks, tools, chafing dishes and sterno, table cloths, paper products, cleaning supplies, utensil bins, bread trays, bowls and platters, etc. Tent fees are used to maintain, replace, purchase these items as well as to purchase the food each week.
Each week a shopping list is created by the tent coordinators and a set of parents volunteer to go to Sam's Club, pick up the items and return to the trailer to pack up for the following day's race(s).
Other parents are responsible for weekly filling propane tanks, filling Gatorade and Iced Tea jugs, and picking up coffee and hot water jugs from Dunkin' Donuts (Thank you Dunkin' Donuts!).
Still others volunteer to transport the trailer up and back to the races. These parents are usually the ones who set-up and/or break down and then after a long day, drive the trailer back to the erg room, unpack the trailer, put food away in freezer or refrigerator, clean out coolers, etc. These families are not reimbursed gas and tolls and usually make it home by 8:00 or 9:00 PM. You would be surprised how much work is involved!
At the races, volunteers sign up to cook, prep and prepare a variety of foods. Usually these are timed blocks so our wonderful volunteers get a chance to sit down and relax.
Families are asked to occassionally bring a side dish to supplement the standard fare. These might include salads, pasta salads, desserts, snacks, soup, chili, etc. We leave it up to the families to bring whatever they can make or whatever is their specialty!
Volunteering is easy. We used an online, free web-based program called "Volunteer Spot". This helps us to keep track of what jobs need to be filled and what side dishes are being brought, etc.


What we expect...This is your tent!

We expect every family to volunteer a few times during the season.
There are many ways you can volunteer. The tent does not run itself. It is unfair to expect the same people to do all the work at all the races. It is very disheartening to see some people come to all the races, sit and watch the race, eat and then get up and leave without ever helping out.
Each weekend we are always in need of extra hands to set-up in the morning which means coming earlier than usual. Setting up is a big job! If enough people come, we could have everything set up and ready for the rowers and parents and still have time for a relaxing cup of coffee.
The same is true for the break down at the end of the day. This is a big task! Consider staying a little longer, enjoying the last races and then helping to break down the food tent. If you have to leave earlier, consider meeting the trailer at the erg room and helping to unpack and clean up.

Parents Should Set A Good Example!
The tent's first concern is making sure that the rowers are fed and hydrated. At NO TIME should any parent refuse to feed a rower or use the excuse that "their parents don't volunteer" or the food is only for the Boy or Girl rowers. That is not the intent. We need to work together. We are not separate teams! So much work is done behind the scenes. We should never assume we know what everyone else does or doesn't do for the team.

Be Respectful!

Be Considerate!
Each race we feed hundreds of people. Even with the best planning, sometimes we run out of certain items. Some races, entire families and extended families come out to support their rowers. We cannot predict the number of people who come to the tent.
Take only what you can eat. So much food gets wasted! Come back for seconds instead!
There are times we have food set aside for the late boats. Unfortunately, other rowers and parents may be unaware of this and the food is taken. Feeding our late boats is a priority. We are aware of this and have been trying different ways to see that the late rowers get a chance to eat. No parent should hoard food for their personal rower or a particular boat. Just inform the Tent Crew and we will accomodate all the late rowers and boats.
Please keep the tent area and the seating/viewing area litter free! There are black trash bags tied to the tent poles around the tent. If the bag is overflowing, PLEASE, remove it, tie it off and get a new bag. If you can't find the bags, ask the Tent Crew.
Our parent volunteers are just that...volunteers! They are giving up their time to help out. Do not criticize their efforts! If you have any
problems, come to a Board member and express your concerns or ideas, rationally and constructively.

This Is Your Tent!
Feel free to replenish items when running low. We usually keep extra items under the tables. If you need forks or napkins, look beneath the table in the boxes. Chances are, what you are looking for can be found there. That goes for snack items, paper products, condiments and serving utensils as well as sterno and extra side dishes. If a dish is empty, clear it off the table. Sometimes you can consolidate duplicate foods.
If you are looking for a certain food item or need to fill the fruit bowl or the salad bowl, check with the prep people. Refills are usually kept in one of the coolers.
Another item that needs refilling is the water bottle bucket. Cases of water are usually located next to the ice cooler. Throw in more bottles as needed or more ice, if that is low.
We would hope that everyone feels at home in "YOUR" tent.