"I've heard Crew is really expensive. How much does it really cost?"
Ocean City Crew Boosters, Inc. is a parent-operated organization that predominantly funds the High School Crew program. Our team operates on a working budget of approximately $150,000 each year. The High School gives our team 5-10% of our budget. Fundraising efforts by each member accounts for 25% and the remaining 65-70% is dependent upon each individual member and their family through the OC Crew Boosters, Inc.
Our budget includes: coaching salaries & travel expenses in the fall and winter seasons, all equipment (Trailers, boats, launches, oars, ergs, etc.), regatta entry fees, food and tent services at spring races, insurance, equipment and trailer maintenance, and miscellaneous expenditures. This budget does not include our fall and winter training which is an essential start to our spring competitive season. This is an out of pocket payment required by each participating rower that typically totals around $150-$200 each season. The Spring Season is $550.00 which is raised by selling our dinner club and 50/50 tickets.
These costs are mandatory but can be supplemented through obtaining business sponsorships and following the rules set forth by this fundraiser. Families cannot just "choose" to sell some of the fundraising tickets (50/50 and Dinner Club). All tickets must be sold or the $550 fee must be paid outright.
Ocean City Crew thrives on its fundraising efforts from local events, family and friends, the local community and alumni. Each of our crew families are encouraged to participate in these various events to help offset costs. Without the success of fundraising, Ocean City Crew could not practice and compete...in fact, it would not exist!
Each family is required to pay a tent fee of $200.00 for the spring Varsity season which covers the cost of feeding our rowers and their families on race days throughout the spring season. ($100.00 for each additional rower in family). If we are not allowed spectators due to pandemic guidelines, this fee will not be charged.
Rowers are given loaner uniforms Freshman year. Sophomore year, rowers will then purchase new unis to be used for the duration of their rowing participation. Crew Jackets are available for purchase after rower has completed a season. Students can buy various crew related gear throughout the year at different times.
Crew is an expensive sport to operate. But in the end, crew gives back far more in building the character, integrity and perseverance of a child.

"Today I will do what others won't.
So tomorrow I can do what others can't."