2023 Volunteer Opportunities
Coming Soon!
There are MANY ways you can support our program!
Volunteer At The Regattas
Food Tent Sign-Ups
Click "Volunteer Spot" Button
Click "Volunteer Spot" Button
Each family is required to work enough jobs to total 10 points for the spring season in order to fulfill your work bond obligation and have your $250 work bond returned. Check back for updates closer to the spring season.
We encourage all families to volunteer when and where they can througout the year to help offset various costs. If you have any special skills that you think will help (i.e: plumbing, carpentry, etc) and are willing to volunteer throughout the year, please let a coach or board member know. Please note that only hours volunteered during the spring at the food tent will count towards your work bond obligation.
During the spring, each race event requires a team of family members to transport food and tents, set up, break down and to help prepare and cook. To cover this endeavor, there is a "Volunteer Bond" fee of $250.00. THIS MONEY IS RETURNED TO YOU AFTER YOU SIGN UP AND VOLUNTEER FOR VOLUNTEER SPOTS. In the past, we found that the work bond fee was needed as some parents did not fulfill this obligation.
Register for as many positions as you would like, but please remember that some of the later races require qualification or an invitation to race.
You are welcome to be as enthusiastic and optimistic as we are and you can certainly come help out at any race and cheer our team on! However, if you find out that you will not be attending a race you signed up for, PLEASE give us as much notice as possible or even better try to find a volunteer to take your spot!
Race days are what we live for and are very exciting! You will not miss your child's race because you are volunteering! There are always other parents willing to help out while you cheer them on!

We have a number of fees that we offer some Fundraising Activities to help families offset the costs. Each rowing family can sell OR purchase ALL of the tickets for the 50/50 Drawing and Dinner Club tickets. This totals $500.00 per family. We do allow families with more than one rower to sell just one set of each of the tickets. We hope that these families and their rowers will participate in other events and volunteer opportunities.
It is absolutely necessary that each family sell all the tickets. If not, you may write a check for the difference. Every family is expected to either participate 100% in the fundraisers or pay the $500.00 fee out right. We cannot emphasize this enough! This money is used to purchase all the equipment necessary for the rowers to be competitve on the water. Many parents donate and contribute money, time, services and products. This does NOT exempt them from paying the required fees! No exceptions!

Other Fundraising activities:
OCHS Crew Boosters fundraise all year long in order to cover operating costs and to offset costs to our crew families. Pre-Covid, these included Designer Bag Bingos, Golf Outings, Ergathons, Summer Camps, etc.
Stay tuned for all announcements for the 2021-2022 Fundraising Seasons!!!
2/26/2022 - OCHS Ergathon
3/26/2022 - Designer Bag Bingo

100% Participation in ALL Fundraising Events!

Volunteer at Lake Lenape!
The South New Jersey Scholastic Rowing Association (SNJSRA) which sponsors the Lake Lenape Sprints is requiring each participating school provide a set of volunteers to help run the races.
Posts Descriptions
Spectator Parking Volunteer
Shift 1 (7:00 – 9:30 AM)
Shift 2 (9:25 AM – 12::00 PM)
Wheaton - directions will be sent out
Collect $5 parking donation, guide vehicles in a straight line reasonably close to each other, help keep Jitney drop off turn around area near entrance clear.
Referee Launch Drivers 9:15 – end of racing
Boathouse Side – see Dennis Smith or Gerry Smith
Must have NJ Boating license. Drive tiller steered 14' jon boat with referee in bow, following races down the course. Assist referee by responding to safety issues if needed [ ie boat flips, collisions etc] Park and meet at boathouse at 9:15 am races start at 10:00 return to boathouse after last race, typically around 1:00 – 1:30 PM
Stake Boats
Picked up by referee in launch on Spectator Side on Beach down by water’s edge to the left of the Lighthouse closer to the finish line.
Hold the stern of the rowing shell in place, shift the shell slightly forward or backward as directed by the referee-aligner and release the shell when the referee-starter shouts "go," enjoy a front row view of the athletes as they accelerate down the course. Repeat every 8 minutes.
There are no special clothing requirements, however if it is a cold or rainy day, volunteers may want to bring an extra sweatshirt or raincoat and a pair of gloves.
Great task for mature siblings, friends, family, graduated rowers and parents. Park on Park Side meet at waters edge
Dock Master 9:15 – end of racing– end of racing
Boathouse Side – See Gerry Smith
Help direct boat launching and retrieval, announce next boat classes to be launched, track down crew that are late launching for pending races, communicate scratched/deleted entries to referee at start, expedite slow crews. Park and meet at the boathouse / docks by 9:15 AM.
Posts Descriptions (Cont.)
Race Caller & Post Results 9:30 – end of racing
Boathouse Side – see Gerry Smith
[1] Assist dock master in main streaming crews on and off of the water.
[2] Call Crews to and post results
Park and meet on Boat side
Post Results & Runner 9:30 – end of racing
Spectator Side – Cookie Casto, Sue Peterson
Secure results from the Referee station and post
Park and meet on Park Side
PA Announcer 9:30 – end of racing
Spectator Side – Cookie Casto, Sue Peterson
Announce the race line up, Event, High School and Lane, Monitor race activity and report status of each crew as they head toward finish line. Announce results of the Event once referee reports.
Be prepared, have race schedule to work off of, confirm with Sue Peterson if there are any event changes. When announcing, take your time, be clear in your message. Park and meet on Park Side
Parking and Traffic Directors 7:00 – 1:00 PM
Boathouse Side – see Gerry Smith
You will be posted on the boathouse side, entrance, stopping any cars from parking or pulling into gain entrance to the boathouse or drop off food. Parents dropping their son or daughter off can let them off and they can walk down to the boathouse to be with their team.
Park and Meet on Boat side 7:00